Hey! It’s Jx, Design and Code Enthusiast. I love to be creative, it’s my passion.
DOWNLOAD MY CV.Lead 6 designers across 4 products and 7 projects, using Adobe XD, Sketch for designing, Invison for prototyping and Zeplin for style sharing.
Digitalize e-commerce workflow by designing and co-leading a team of 6 developers to setup front-end user interface within 3 months which is currently launched into 6 countries with 28,000+ users and hit 100M sales by end of 2020.
Develope an IOT project for smart home within 2 months that had been showcased to DPM Tharman during OktoberTech Asia Pacific 2019.
Develope & Maintain MOM eService portal - iOSH. Job scope includes service request fulfillment, crystal report designing and database maintenance.